Từ điển tiếng Nhật : từ vựng N1(501~600)

501 かく nucleus, kernel
502 かく status, character, case
503 佳句 かく beautiful passage of literature
504 かく stroke
505 格差 かくさ qualitative difference, disparity
506 拡散 かくさん scattering, diffusion
507 各種 かくしゅ every kind, all sorts
508 隔週 かくしゅう every other week
509 確信 かくしん conviction, confidence
510 革新 かくしん reform, innovation
511 確定 かくてい definition (math), decision, settlement
512 獲得 かくとく acquisition, possession
513 確保 かくほ guarantee, ensure, maintain, insure, secure
514 革命 かくめい revolution
515 確立 かくりつ establishment
516 賭け かけ betting, gambling, a gamble
517 掛け かけ credit
518 駆け足 かけあし running fast, double time
519 家計 かけい household economy, family finances
520 駆けっこ かけっこ (foot) race
521 駆ける かける to run (race esp. horse), to gallop, to canter
522 賭ける かける to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble
523 ヶ月 かげつ #NAME?
524 加工 かこう manufacturing, processing, treatment
525 化合 かごう chemical combination
526 嵩張る かさばる to be bulky, to be unwieldy, to grow voluminous
527 嵩む かさむ to pile up, to increase
528 風車 かざぐるま 1. windmill, 2. pinwheel
529 畏まりました かしこまりました certainly!
530 華奢 かしゃ luxury, pomp, delicate, slender, gorgeous
531 箇所 かしょ passage, place, point, part
532 火傷 かしょう burn, scald
533 箇条書き かじょうがき itemized form, itemization
534 噛る かじる to chew, to bite (at), to gnaw, to nibble, to munch, to crunch, to have a smattering of
535 微か かすか faint, dim, weak, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched
536 霞む かすむ to grow hazy, to be misty
537 化する かする to change into, to convert into, to transform, to be reduced, to influence, to improve (someone)
538 擦る かする to touch lightly, to take a percentage (from)
539 火星 かせい Mars (planet)
540 化石 かせき fossil, petrifaction, fossilization
541 河川 かせん rivers
542 化繊 かせん synthetic fibres
543 過疎 かそ depopulation
544 過多 かた excess, superabundance
545 難い かたい difficult, hard
546 片思い かたおもい unrequited love
547 かたき enemy, rival
548 気質 かたぎ spirit, character, trait, temperament, disposition
549 片言 かたこと a smattering, talk like a baby, speak haltingly
550 片付け かたづけ tidying up, finishing
551 傾く かたぶく to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to, to
552 傾ける かたむける to incline, to list, to bend, to lean, to tip, to tilt, to slant, to concentrate on, to ruin (a country), to
553 固める かためる to harden, to freeze, to fortify
554 偏る かたよる to be one-sided, to incline, to be partial, to be prejudiced, to lean, to be biased
555 傍ら かたわら beside(s), while, nearby
556 課題 かだい subject, theme, task
557 花壇 かだん flower bed
558 家畜 かちく domestic animals, livestock, cattle
559 画期 かっき epoch-making
560 活発 かっぱつ vigor, active
561 且つ かつ yet, and
562 かつ divide, cut, halve, separate, split, rip, break, crack, smash, dilute
563 嘗て かつて once, ever
564 日付 かづけ date, dating
565 かど gate
566 叶う かなう to come true (wish)
567 叶える かなえる to grant (request wish)
568 金槌 かなづち 1. (iron) hammer, 2. punishment
569 鉄棒 かなぼう iron rod, crowbar, horizontal bar (gymnastics)
570 可成 かなり considerably, fairly, quite
571 加入 かにゅう becoming a member, joining, entry, admission, subscription, affiliation, adherence, signing
572 金庫 かねぐら safe, vault, treasury, provider of funds
573 予言 かねごと prediction, promise, prognostication
574 兼ねて かねて simultaneously
575 下番 かばん going off duty
576 下品 かひん inferior article
577 華美 かび pomp, splendor, gaudiness
578 花粉 かふん pollen
579 株式 かぶしき stock (company)
580 気触れる かぶれる to react to, to be influenced by, to go overboard for
581 貨幣 かへい money, currency, coinage
582 構え かまえ posture, pose, style
583 構える かまえる to set up
584 加味 かみ seasoning, flavoring
585 噛み切る かみきる to bite off, to gnaw through
586 過密 かみつ crowded
587 かめ earthenware pot
588 かも知れない かもしれない may, might, perhaps, may be, possibly
589 かゆ (rice) gruel
590 痒い かゆい itchy, itching
591 揶揄う からかう to ridicule, to tease, to banter with, to make fun of
592 身体 からだ the body
593 体付き からだつき body build, figure
594 絡む からむ to entangle, to entwine
595 借り かり borrowing, debt, loan
596 下吏 かり lower official
597 加留多 かるた (pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)
598 涸れる かれる to dry up, to run out
599 過労 かろう overwork, strain
600 辛うじて かろうじて barely, narrowly, just manage to do st

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