Từ điển tiếng Nhật : từ vựng N1(401~500)

401 おと younger brother
402 落とす おとす to drop, to lose, to let fall
403 訪れる おとずれる to visit
404 大人しい おとなしい obedient, docile, quiet
405 少女 おとめ daughter, young lady, virgin, maiden, little girl
406 お供 おとも attendant, companion
407 衰える おとろえる to become weak, to decline, to wear, to abate, to decay, to wither, to waste away
408 おどおど coweringly, hesitantly
409 脅かす おどかす to threaten, to coerce
410 脅す おどす to threaten, to menace
411 驚き おどろき surprise, astonishment, wonder
412 同い年 おないどし of the same age
413 女子 おなご woman, girl
414 お願いします おねがいします please
415 おのおの each, every, either, respectively, severally
416 自ずから おのずから naturally, as a matter of course
417 お早う おはよう Good morning
418 お祖母さん おばあさん grandmother, female senior-citizen
419 怯える おびえる to become frightened, to have a nightmare
420 夥しい おびただしい abundantly, innumerably
421 帯びる おびる to wear, to carry, to be entrusted, to have, to take on, to have a trace of, to be tinged with
422 覚え おぼえ memory, sense, experience
423 御負け おまけ 1. a discount, a prize, 2. something additional, bonus, an extra, 3. an exaggeration
424 お巡りさん おまわりさん policeman (friendly term)
425 お宮 おみや Shinto shrine
426 お襁褓 おむつ diaper, nappy
427 お目出度う おめでとう (ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!, an auspicious occasion!
428 おも face
429 思い付き おもいつき plan, idea, suggestion
430 面白い おもしろい interesting, amusing
431 玩具 おもちゃ toy
432 重なる おもなる main, principal, important
433 おもむき meaning, tenor, gist, effect, appearance, taste, grace, charm, refinement
434 赴く おもむく to go, to proceed, to repair to, to become
435 重役 おもやく heavy responsibilities, director
436 重んじる おもんじる to respect, to honor, to esteem, to prize
437 重んずる おもんずる to honor, to respect, to esteem, to prize
438 お休み おやすみ holiday, absence, rest, Good night
439 お八 おやつ 1. (uk) between meal snack, afternoon refreshment, afternoon tea, 2. mid-day snack
440 凡そ およそ about, roughly, as a rule, approximately
441 及び および and, as well as
442 及ぶ およぶ to reach, to come up to, to amount to, to befall, to happen to, to extend, to match, to equal
443 おり weave, weaving, woven item
444 おり cage, pen, jail cell
445 折り返す おりかえす to turn up, to fold back
446 織物 おりもの textile, fabric
447 織る おる to weave
448 おれ I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun)
449 愚か おろか foolish, stupid
450 疎か おろそか neglect, negligence, carelessness
451 終わる おわる to finish, to close
452 音色 おんいろ tone color, tone quality, timbre, synthesizer patch
453 温和 おんわ gentle, mild, moderate
454 tentative, provisional
455 department, section
456 article counter
457 下位 かい low rank, subordinate, lower order (e.g. byte)
458 かい -floor (counter), stories
459 改悪 かいあく deterioration, changing for the worse
460 海運 かいうん maritime, marine transportation
461 改革 かいかく reform, reformation, innovation
462 貝殻 かいがら shell
463 階級 かいきゅう class, rank, grade
464 海峡 かいきょう channel
465 会見 かいけん interview, audience
466 介護 かいご nursing
467 開催 かいさい holding a meeting, open an exhibition
468 回収 かいしゅう collection, recovery
469 改修 かいしゅう repair, improvement
470 怪獣 かいじゅう monster
471 解除 かいじょ cancellation, rescinding, release, calling off
472 回送 かいそう forwarding
473 階層 かいそう class, level, stratum, hierarchy
474 開拓 かいたく reclamation (of wasteland), cultivation, pioneer
475 会談 かいだん conversation, conference, discussion, interview
476 改定 かいてい reform
477 改訂 かいてい revision
478 街道 かいどう highway
479 介入 かいにゅう intervention
480 開発 かいはつ development, exploitation
481 海抜 かいばつ height above sea level
482 介抱 かいほう nursing, looking after
483 解剖 かいぼう dissection, autopsy
484 回覧 かいらん circulation
485 海流 かいりゅう ocean current
486 改良 かいりょう improvement, reform
487 回路 かいろ circuit (electric)
488 顧みる かえりみる to look back, to turn around, to review
489 省みる かえりみる to reflect
490 返る かえる to return, to come back, to go back
491 顔付き かおつき (outward) looks, features, face, countenance, expression
492 掲げる かかげる to publish, to print, to carry (an article), to put up, to hang out, to hoist, to fly (a sail), to float (a
493 かかと (shoe) heel
494 係り かかり official, duty, person in charge
495 課外 かがい extracurricular
496 書き取り かきとり dictation
497 書き取る かきとる to write down, to take dictation, to take notes
498 掻き回す かきまわす to stir up, to churn, to ransack, to disturb
499 欠く かく to lack, to break, to crack, to chip
500 かく 1. angle, 2. bishop (shogi)

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