Từ điển tiếng Nhật : từ vựng N1(701~800)

701 気軽 きがる cheerful, buoyant, lighthearted
702 危機 きき crisis
703 聞き取り ききとり listening comprehension
704 効き目 ききめ effect, virtue, efficacy, impression
705 帰京 ききょう returning to Tokyo
706 基金 ききん fund, foundation
707 棄権 きけん abstain from voting, renunciation of a right
708 喜劇 きげき comedy, funny show
709 起源 きげん origin, beginning, rise
710 機構 きこう mechanism, organization
711 既婚 きこん marriage, married
712 記載 きさい mention, entry
713 気障 きざ affectation, conceit, snobbery
714 兆し きざし signs, omen, symptoms
715 きざし signs, omen, symptoms
716 軋む きしむ to jar, to creak, to grate
717 気象 きしょう weather, climate
718 期日 きじつ fixed date, settlement date
719 記述 きじゅつ describing, descriptor
720 奇数 きすう odd number
721 築く きずく to build, to pile up, to amass
722 傷付く きずつく to be hurt, to be wounded, to get injured
723 規制 きせい regulation
724 汽船 きせん steamship
725 寄贈 きそう donation, presentation
726 貴族 きぞく noble, aristocrat
727 鍛える きたえる to forge, to drill, to temper, to train, to discipline
728 来る きたる to come, to arrive, to be due to, to be next, to be forthcoming
729 気立て きだて disposition, nature
730 きちっと exactly, perfectly
731 几帳面 きちょうめん methodical, punctual, steady
732 切っ掛け きっかけ chance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion
733 きっかり exactly, precisely
734 喫茶 きっさ tea drinking, tea house
735 きっちり precisely, tightly
736 屹度 きっと 1. (uk) surely, undoubtedly, certainly, without fail, 2. sternly, severely
737 きっぱり clearly, plainly, distinctly
738 規定 きてい regulation, provisions
739 起点 きてん starting point
740 軌道 きどう orbit, railroad track
741 きのえ 1st in rank, first sign of the Chinese calendar, shell, instep, grade A
742 気配 きはい indication, market trend, worry
743 規範 きはん model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, example
744 気品 きひん aroma
745 気風 きふう character, traits, ethos
746 起伏 きふく undulation
747 規模 きぼ scale, scope, plan, structure
748 気まぐれ きまぐれ whim, caprice, whimsy, fickle, moody, uneven temper
749 生真面目 きまじめ too serious, person who is too serious, honesty, sincerity
750 期末 きまつ end of term
751 決まり悪い きまりわるい feeling awkward, being ashamed
752 決まる きまる to be decided, to be settled, to look good in (clothes)
753 記名 きめい signature, register
754 脚色 きゃくしょく dramatization (e.g. film)
755 脚本 きゃくほん scenario
756 客観 きゃっかん objective
757 規約 きやく agreement, rules, code
758 救援 きゅうえん relief, rescue, reinforcement
759 休学 きゅうがく temporary absence from school, suspension
760 究極 きゅうきょく ultimate, final, eventual
761 窮屈 きゅうくつ narrow, tight, stiff, rigid, uneasy, formal, constrained
762 球根 きゅうこん (plant) bulb
763 救済 きゅうさい relief, aid, rescue, salvation, help
764 給食 きゅうしょく school lunch, providing a meal
765 給仕 きゅうじ office boy (girl), page, waiter
766 休戦 きゅうせん truce, armistice
767 旧知 きゅうち old friend, old friendship
768 宮殿 きゅうでん palace
769 窮乏 きゅうぼう poverty
770 丘陵 きゅうりょう hill
771 きょう both, neither (neg), all, and, as well as, including, with, together with, plural ending
772 きょう offer, present, submit, serve (a meal), supply
773 驚異 きょうい wonder, miracle
774 教員 きょういん teaching staff
775 教科 きょうか subject, curriculum
776 協会 きょうかい association, society, organization
777 共感 きょうかん sympathy, response
778 共学 きょうがく coeducation
779 協議 きょうぎ conference, consultation, discussion, negotiation
780 教訓 きょうくん lesson, precept, moral instruction
781 境遇 きょうぐう environment, circumstances
782 強行 きょうこう forcing, enforcement
783 強硬 きょうこう firm, vigorous, unbending, unyielding, strong, stubborn
784 凶作 きょうさく bad harvest, poor crop
785 共産 きょうさん communism
786 教材 きょうざい teaching materials
787 教習 きょうしゅう training, instruction
788 郷愁 きょうしゅう nostalgia, homesickness
789 教職 きょうしょく teaching certificate, the teaching profession
790 享受 きょうじゅ reception, acceptance, enjoyment, being given
791 興じる きょうじる to amuse oneself, to make merry
792 強制 きょうせい obligation, coercion, compulsion, enforcement
793 共存 きょうそん coexistence
794 姉妹 きょうだい sisters
795 協調 きょうちょう co-operation, conciliation, harmony, firm (market) tone
796 協定 きょうてい arrangement, pact, agreement
797 脅迫 きょうはく threat, menace, coercion, terrorism
798 共鳴 きょうめい resonance, sympathy
799 郷里 きょうり birth-place, home town
800 強烈 きょうれつ strong, intense, severe

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